
  • Simple Ways to Make Your Home More Comfortable
  • Should You Worry About That Flickering Light?
  • Will The Next Thunderstorm Fry Your Computer Or TV?

5 Mistakes New Homeowners Make with Their Electrical System (And How to Avoid Them)

Congratulations on becoming a new homeowner! Owning a home is exciting, but it’s important to be aware of potential electrical system mistakes that can lead to safety hazards and costly repairs. In this blog post, we’ll discuss five common electrical mistakes new homeowners make and provide simple tips to help you avoid them.

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Cutting Costs, Not Comfort: 8 Proven Strategies to Lower Your Electric Bill

As the scorching summer temperatures rise, so does the strain on your electricity bill. But here’s the good news: you can reduce energy expenses without sacrificing comfort. At Lumberjack Electric, we’ve been serving the Minneapolis-St. Paul Area for years, and we’re here to share eight proven strategies to help you lower your electric bill while keeping your home cool and inviting.

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Tax Credits

Qualifying For Inflation Reduction Act Savings One of the few things that all residents in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area can agree on is that they are ready for a few financial breaks. While the cost of everything is increasing, wages remain the same or even decrease in some professions. But thanks to the Inflation Reduction

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Down Power Lines

As your hometown experts for everything related to electricity, the Lumberjack Electric team wants to ensure that all of our friends and neighbors in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area understands the importance of electrical safety inside their homes and outdoors. While it is rare to come across downed power lines, everyone must realize how lethal this

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Summer Energy Saving Tips

As summertime temperatures increase, the hottest summer on record has been set nine times since 2005, and energy costs are also climbing. So the team at Lumberjack Electric would like to offer residents from Anoka to Stillwater a few options to save energy and cash this summer season. And the best news is that these tips will also help

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